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Intern Spotlight: Michael Keller

Name: Michael W. Keller

Major: Economics | Business

Class: Phi, Fall 2013

Company: Mitchell International

Title: Business Process Analyst Intern

Location: San Diego, California

Describe your internship in one sentence.

An incredible learning experience filled with unexpected challenges, personal & professional growth, emotionally intelligent leaders, and passionate people.

Why did you choose to work at this company over the summer?

Business Intelligence and ERP software have only just begun to revolutionize the way companies analyze and interpret data; the internal consulting team I worked on at Mitchell directed strategy in a very interesting way by using these software packages to quantify performance and turn numbers into strategies for the senior leadership team.

What did your day-to-day look like? Any special projects you're working on?

Over the past 11 weeks, I had the opportunity to work with the Senior Director of Consulting on several market & competitive assessment projects, which culminated in an hour-long solo presentation to several Vice Presidents and Directors on the product management and sales teams. Everyday presented new, unique challenges; my team at Mitchell always encouraged me to take on new challenges and even meet with some of the most senior people in the company.

What kind of impact were you able to make at your company?

During my time at Mitchell, internal restructuring and business losses necessitated massive shifts in corporate growth strategy and strategic positioning within the Property and Casualty insurance market. My team served as internal consultants throughout this process, offering actionable insights and recommendations for new product features, competitive positioning and international expansion. We saw Mitchell’s strategy shift as a direct result of our analysis and recommendations.

How has DSP prepared/supported you in this experience?

I joined DSP in the Fall quarter of my freshman year, and it honestly changed my life. Learning from other students who worked and interned for companies like Deloitte, Morgan Stanley and Google who eventually served as President for such a bright group of peers gave me the confidence to realize that success in business isn’t so intimidating or unattainable. Each of our members, including myself, motivate and inspire one another to reach for and achieve our goals and dreams.

What did you learn from this experience?

I learned the true definition of a work-life balance. I firmly believe in the importance of exercising & eating healthy, learning new skills and pursuing one’s passions outside of the office, but when a person truly loves the work he does and the team he’s a part of, there should be a healthy internal conflict between work and life.

Any advice for those trying to get into your field or jumpstart their careers in general?

It’s all about grit. I truly believe anyone can be successful if they develop clear, actionable goals and work hard to achieve them. I recommend really thinking about what makes you happy (i.e. music, accounting, advertising), finding mentors who will help guide your career along the way, and reading & learning new skills, constantly.

Come out and hear our President, Michael, speak during Meet the Chapter on Monday, September 28th!

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